When should you not get a roof

When Should You Not Get a Roof in Colorado?

Picture of Brian Friend

Brian Friend

President, Just Roofs and Gutters

Many factors play into the best time to get a new roof in Colorado—from shingle conditions to weather conditions. So, you may wonder when should you not get a roof replacement. There are several instances to avoid replacing your roof. For example, winter is a lousy time for roofing work. In addition, replacing a healthy roof too soon is a waste of time and resources.

When should you not get a roof replacement?

Every roof eventually needs replacing because materials wear down over time. However, unnecessary replacement is a waste of time and money. Homeowners need to know when to get a new roof and when to wait.

During Winter 

Some homeowners want to repair their roofs during winter because it’s the off-season, and roofers aren’t busy. Unfortunately, people forget that there’s a reason we’re not busy. For example, slick roofs create dangerous working conditions. Not to mention, chipping away ice and snow adds time and labor. Similarly, tearoff replacement jobs reduce cover and insulation, making your heater work overtime. 

Harsh Colorado weather also makes roof materials vulnerable to damage. Sleet, ice, and snow can postpone the job for days or weeks at a time, leaving materials exposed to the elements. In addition, shingles harden in low temperatures, becoming brittle and less flexible. Worst of all, self-sealant strips activate via heat from the sun, so they don’t work as well in winter. If the singles don’t bind, a strong wind could blow them off. 

When Your Roof is Healthy

An annual roof health inspection lets you know if there is still life left in your gables. Roofing professionals with honesty and integrity will give you an accurate report. For example, if your shingles are balding, but the roof is structurally sound, you may only need a roofing overlay. Or, if all your going for is curb appeal, try painting your shingles instead.

Too Soon

Different roofing materials have varying longevity. Just because asphalt shingles need replacing every 15 to 30 years, it doesn’t mean your tile roof does too. Understanding how old your roof is and its projected lifespan is essential. Some homeowners don’t realize that roofs can, in fact, last longer than expected. So, don’t replace it too soon. Always consult a professional before making big roofing decisions. 

How often should roofs be replaced in Colorado?

Roof longevity depends significantly on the type of material. For example, asphalt shingles need replacing every 15 to 30 years, whereas well-maintained slate can last centuries. In addition, roofs in Colorado take a beating from hail and storms. So, your roof may need replacing sooner than average. An annual roof health report from a roofing professional can give you a good idea of when your roof needs replacing. 

Get a Professional Inspection 

Advice from experts lets you know when should you not get a roof replacement. For example, a professional inspection gives homeowners a better understanding of the lifespan of their roof and what needs repairing. The roofing professionals at Just Roofs and Gutters will provide you with an honest inspection. Schedule an inspection today.

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